When choosing this package the hunter will need a .30 caliber fire arm with good quality expandable bullets. We recommend a 4 – 16 variable scope for the longer distance shot.
The hunt will commence at day break when we will drive to the hillsides to scout the hills and mountain slopes for the kudu catching the early morning sun, when a good representative is spotted we will stalk the animal until in a good position to take the shot comfortably, the shot can range from 120yrds to 350yrds, we will always try and get the steadiest platform available for the hunter to take the shot from. Whilst driving around from hillside to hillside we can encounter the Blue Wildebeest and Red Hartbees herds in the brush line heading to the open savannah for grazing. When the either of the herds are spotted we will select a trophy bull from the herd and stalk the herd using the brush line and Mother Nature’s obstacles as cover. Once in a good position the shot will be taken. One can expect a shot range from 80 – 200 yards from a steady rest or shooting sticks. On both species, the Blue Wildebeest and Red Hartbees both sexes has sets of horn, the male predominantly has the thicker and heavier horn, and is easy to identify once you know what to look for in the herd.
The Oryx herds will be found on the open plains together with the Black Wildebeest herds and to successfully hunt these we will have to use rocky hillsides, slopes and gulley’s as our cover to get close on a stalk. Once in a suitable position the shot will be taken. Shot can range from 200 yards to 400 yards from the shooting sticks or a steady rest.
Again both these species sexes has horns ,on the Black Wildebeest the male has the bigger and heavier horn with distinctive bosses, the Oryx cow has the Longer and thinner horn and the Oryx bull has the thicker base and short horn.
Also to be found on the open plains are the Springbuck and Blesbuck herds, these animals love the open area and is very difficult to stalk. Here we would suggest using the same technique as with the Oryx and Black Wildebeest. Shot range from 200 yards to 450 yards. Again both sexes has horn and the male on both species will have the prominent thicker and bigger horn than the female
While moving through the different landscapes we can encounter herds of Impala and the lone Sable bull, when spotted the animal will be stalked using the available cover and when in a suitable position the shot will be taken. The shot range will be between 80 yards and 200 yards.
On the plains we will also find the Ostridge and the male is easily recognizable by its black coloring. This bird can be difficult to hunt seeing that it has extremely good eye sight and starts running a mile away, one can prepare for a distance shot of up to 500 yards and sometimes on a running bird!!
The Black back jackal will be hunted mainly at night time by means of spotlighting and using the vehicle to cover the vast distances to look for them one can be prepared to take the shot from a steady platform off the back of the hunting vehicle. The Jackal rarely ever stands still and the shots will be at a jackal in full flight. Here the hunter can be prepared for multiple shots at distances from 120 yards to 600 yards. Great fun and a chance to burn some serious lead in the process!!
The Black back jackal is considered to be a pest on most game ranches and the ranch owners are very happy when these pests are shot. We can go spotlighting a number of times during the safari to assist the ranch owner with the control of his Jackal problems.
All in all this package delivers on all aspects of hunting in Africa and will provide a good species list for a first time hunter to South Africa.